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The club offers a number of courses to help members support our racing and training activities. We require powerboat drivers with a PB2 qualification to support racing and training, dinghy instructors (DI) and race coach level 2 (RCL2). Instructors and coaches also need to be PB2 qualified, and a first aid qualifications which must be renewed every three years. We normally run one DI and RCL2 course per year, and these are led by external RYA coaches. We run several first aid and PB2 courses each year, and the club has it's own instructors.

Places are limited on these courses, especially the DI and RCL2 courses which are limited to a maximum of six participants, and which are run on a not for profit basis at rates significantly below what a commercial centre would charge. The decision as to whom is offered a place is made by the sailing school subcommittee. To get on the list for potential selection you need to make yourself known to the sailing school subcommittee, by contacting the  sailing school manager. The criteria for selection is as follows:

  • For DI and RCL2, we will prioritise candidates who can commit to provide instructing or coaching at BSC in the future. These are likely to be cadet parents or other adults who are already involved in cadet or adult training, and will commit to training in the future. Where possible we will also include some cadets of appropriate ages who can commit to providing instructing or coaching at BSC training events. We do not usually have enough capacity to train cadets in their final year of school who wish to use the qualification to teach elsewhere and will not be teaching at BSC. We will also prioritise candidates without any qualifications over those who already have one of DI or RCL2.
  • For PB2, we will prioritise candidates on recent or forthcoming DI and RCL2 courses who need PB2 to fully qualify, and then cadet parents who will commit to supporting cadet training as safety boat drivers, and finally club members who will commit to volunteering on the rota to support club racing.
  • For first aid courses, we will prioritise candidates on recent or forthcoming DI and RCL2 courses who need first aid to fully qualify, and existing instructors and coaches who require a first aid revalidation to maintain their qualification.

In addition to our instructors and coaches, we also have assistant instructors (AI). AIs must have RYA qualifications or appropriate sailing skills and experience, so if we identify potential AIs who have already been working with cadets but have no formal qualifications or need to sail better, then we will prioritise them for adult RYA training courses. Please contact the cadet skipper if you are interested in becoming an AI.

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Blackwater Sailing Club Ltd.
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Blackwater Sailing Club, Basin Road, Heybridge,
Maldon, Essex, CM9 4SD 
or Contact us by email

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